Monday, October 18, 2010

Stop The World, I Want To Get Off.............

This past week has been a difficult one for our family.  To say it was crazy would be a gross understatement. I don't even know where to start to tell everything that went wrong. We did have a great day Thursday but it was short lived. Good days never seem to last long enough do they? I don't think so. If we could have a ratio of 1 to 1 on good and bad days, life would be alot less stressful don't ya' think? Instead we seem to have a ratio of 100 to 1 with bad days taking the lead!

I know things will be better and that it will all work out but sometimes I just want to cry. This last week has seen the death of  my Aunt in Arkansas, the news that my precious dog Zoe is dying and there is nothing we can do to stop it, MAJOR lack of money for all we needed to do just to survive the week, car trouble not once, not twice, not three times but four (on both vehicles!), being sick as a dog for both Wes and I, all while trying to shuffle kids to various places, feed the cow twice a day, do the housework, homeschooling 2 kids, get 2 people ready for a weekend long camp out and run errands everyday, of course that is in between car trouble! Its no wonder I forgot to pack Tucker's dinner for the Friday night of the camp out. Still feel like crap about that.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not Super Mom. I never have been, I never will be. I know this. I am not fast than a speeding cat after he has been scared to death by a preteen boy. I am not more powerful than the DMV who makes you wait hours only to be told you are missing something they never told you needed! I am not able to leap tall laundry hampers, that never seem to empty, in a single bound! NO WORLD, I AM NOT SUPER MOM!

I sure could use a visit from Super Mom right about now, but I am sure she is off fixing her kids an organic lunch while mine eat fish sticks and tater tots!

It just seems like we can never catch a break. I know we have been blessed and I try so hard to hold on to that when everything goes haywire. Its just so hard.  Every time we just about get our head above water someone shoves us back under.  It's getting harder to stay positive when all we seem to get is trouble, no matter how right we do things. We follow the rules and get penalized.  I wish I were exaggerating when I say it has been YEARS of this but sadly I'm not. Years, people.....not days or weeks.....YEARS! You just have no idea how tiresome of this constant, never ending string of trouble has become.

Just having a bad time right now.

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