Friday, December 20, 2013

A Little Story of Unconditonal Love...My Story

When I was 10 I moved with my family into a new neighborhood, started a new school, made a new friend. Her name was (and still is) Elisabeth Thompson. (Spelled with an "S", not a "Z"!!) We became fast friends. Elisabeth was from a Pentecostal family. I came from a mother who flitted from one religion to another most of my younger years, then resigned to nothing after she married her last husband.

Elisabeth and her sister Janice, wore long skirts, even to swim in. Long sleeve shirts in the Summer. Their hair, dark and thick, so long they could sit on it, had never been touched by a pair of scissors. They did not have a Christmas Tree growing but but did celebrate the birth of Christ and the Christmas Season. Elisabeth didn't dance, didn't have a Tv, and read Archie comics like they were great literature. (Who knows, maybe they are?)

Elisabeth had parents who were married and to this day are still married. Her mom, oh her mom, Sandy, has this smile and warmth to her that I have never seen in anyone else. She is just the sweetest lady you could ever hope to know. (Bakes a mean cheesecake too, by the way!) Sandy was always so kind to everyone. That being said, I have seen her mad a time or two. Like the time we told Janice (the little sister of Elisabeth) that if she cut her Barbie's hair, it would grow back or the time we stayed out past dark (pre-cell phone era here people, had to be home by the streetlights!) and she was worried sick something horrible had happened to us. Elisabeth and Janice had and still have one of the greatest mom's I have ever known. She doesn't know it but she has been a role-model for me all these years.

Jackie, the head of the family, was a quiet man. He worked alot and hunted just as much as he worked I think. He was always quick to smile at our antics. I think he was confused by our friendship but he never told his daughter she could not be my friend. He and Sandy, I am sure had their struggles like we all do but when they looked at each other you could see the love that maybe went unsaid between them. A love that never saw in my own home. They could speak to each other without ever saying a word. I always found this fascinating because I think you really have to be connected and in love with someone to have that ability.

This family taught me a life lesson and likely have no idea the impact they have had on my life and I know them well enough to know that is okay with them. They did not teach me this lesson to gain pat on the back or for people to say " look how wonderful they are". They did what they did because they truly loved me for who I was and they love Christ for who He is and wanted to show His love to the world.

You see, Elisabeth and I could not have been more opposite. Talk about Odd Couple!

 I was a child born to an unwed mother, whose choices in life had left me scared and angry. I was an outsider, always looking in, looking to fit in. I dressed, well lets just say interestingly and my hair, oh my....that hair was a source of ridicule and teasing most of my life. I had few friends in school. Most are still my friends to this day. The majority of the kids I attended school with, teased me, treated me like dirt and were less than pleasant to be around if you did not look and act like them. They had no idea the Hell I was in at home. The beating (yes beatings) I endured along with the other abuses to horrible to really talk about. They just knew I was different and that made me a target for their words and actions. Some of those kids grew up and became wonderful people who I am glad to know now. Some are still caught in that cycle of bullying and self-promotion at the expenses of others. I feel bad for them. They lead a sad life. I pray for those people and I thank God for the ones who changed.

I remember going to church with Elisabeth with my head half-shaved, a rat tail down my back and a chip on my shoulder. I did not fit the "Pentecostal" profile at all. I would stand in that pew surrounded by people who looked nothing like me, acted nothing like me and while some of those people I'm sure questioned the Thompson's for bringing me there, the Thompson's never did.

They let me know that Christ loved me no matter what I was wearing, what my back ground was and what demons my past held. They let me know they loved me, so different from their norm but they loved me.

Do you know how they did that? I was not preached at. I was not told I was going to Hell because I didn't dress, act, or look like them. I was not ever turned away from their door for any reason. To this day, I know I can walk up into the carport of that blue house on McGehee St and I will be greeted with loving arms and a big hug. Divorced, remarried, blue-jean wearing, margarita loving me. I know this.

The Thompson family embody Christ and His love. His love for everyone. I know they did not agree with every choice I made in my life. I know that I did things differently than they believe is the right way. I also know that at the end of the day, none of that matters to them. I know that they love me like Christ loved them. Flawed, messy, a little crazy but mostly just a child in need of a loving parent. Which is what I have in God. They live what they believe. I try to do the same.

Why am I telling you all this about my friend and her family? I will tell you why.

With all the drama going around now I think that we have all lost sight of a simple truth. Christ came for all of us. He said to love Him and to love others as He loves us. There were no added conditions to this. None. For that fact alone, I am eternally grateful.

The Thompson family lived their Faith. They stood firm in their beliefs. I saw this with my own eyes. I also saw that even though they believed a certain way, they did not condemn others for not following their path to God. They lived their lives in a way that never compromised their beliefs but that also allowed others to see God through them. Isn't that the whole point, people?

You do not have to agree with a person to love them. You do not have to go along with their life or down their path with them, but you are commanded (yes commanded) to love them.

You cannot expect anyone to feel Christ's love radiate through you and reach those long forgotten places in their hearts if you place conditions on that love. And when you say to someone God loves you BUT, all they hear is what comes after the "but".

Its not "sugar-coating" God's word to love people as they are. Its a door-way. And some people really need to find that doorway that will lead them to God. God will take it from there. It is not our place to judge another or put words in God's mouth. God Himself, through his son, Jesus, said....Wait for it.....L-O-V-E.

I share this with you so that maybe just one of you who reads it will understand that love is the only answer. Love changes people from the inside out. If you want change, love, love everyone. Even the ones who are different than you.

Who knows, nearly 30 years later someone will share how you showing them love changed the course of their life. A seed needs time and tenderness to grow.

I challenge you all to go sow a seed of love today.

Love to you all,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Am The Fireman's Wife

I Am The Fireman's Wife
I am thankful. This is not always been an easy walk for me, it never will be. I am thankful for the journey though.
I am disappointed. He has missed family gatherings, weddings, dinner dates, birthdays, & many holidays due to shift schedules, training & overtime.
I am patient. There has been many a visit to the station, many a meal taken to the fire house for him, that sit, getting cold while we wait for him to return from a call. All while the kids are hungry & cranky and I have tons of things to do myself.
I am nervous. I wake up in the middle of the night to noises and don't have the comfort of my husband beside me to make it okay.
I am tired. The house is full of sick kids and broken appliances & there is no relief in site because Dad is pulling a double shift.
I am jealous. Jealous of all those women whose husbands came home at 5:30, to have dinner, help around the house, & hold them at the end of their day.
I am worried. I worry that he may not come home one day. I try to just shove that fear down deep somewhere and pretend I don't feel it.
I am content. We decided long ago that I would stay home and raise our children. We don't have a lot of money or things. It is the greatest freedom I have ever known and I would not have it any other way.
I am incompetent.  I once thought I was a relatively intelligent person. I now struggle to remember where I left my keys, my phone, my purse, that paper I needed and yes, sometimes even a kid.
I am waiting.  Always waiting. Waiting to see if he is going to get home in time for whatever event we are supposed to be heading to. Waiting on him to call home because I hate calling him, it seems he is always to busy to talk. Waiting by the scanner, listening to hear his voice. Waiting on things to get fixed that are daily piling up. Waiting for his attention. Waiting on that phone call every wife never wants to get. Someday that phone could ring for me.
I am doubting. Some days I doubt God hears my prayers. I doubt everyday I am not the kind of wife he needs me to be.
I am trusting. Trusting not only my husband but trusting that he will come home again. Trusting that God is with the both of us no matter what.
I am confident,  I am lonely, I am not as young or as pretty as I used to be,
 I am overworked and I am underpaid.
I am the Fireman's Wife. And I love him.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bubble Pizza Casserole

One day this week, okay Monday, Fred arrived with her tablet and said: "Mom, we HAVE to try this!"
This being a recipe for Bubble Pizza Casserole. I have to admit there are not a lot of recipes that just call out "make me, make me NOW" but this one sure did!
Its Pizza with a twist and it is SUPER easy and quick! What more can a busy mom ask for?
Y'all try it out and let me know what you think. You can make this anyway you want. A veggie version would be really good, a ham & pineapple, a meat lovers (which is what we ended up making), just play with your favorite toppings. You will not be disappointed!
BubblePizza Casserole
1 can Grands biscuits, ( I used the flaky kind)
1 14oz jar of pizza sauce
1 cup of mozzarella cheese (more if you want, I mean it is cheese!)
Pepperoni slices or diced, no set amount just as much as you want
(we used pepperoni, sausage & bacon)
Take an 8x8 baking dish and spray it with non-stick spray. (Spray it really good!!)
Heat your oven to 400.
Cut the biscuits into 4 pieces each and layer in the bottom if the baking dish. (Don't worry about any spaces just use all the biscuits)
Pour the jar of pizza sauce over the cut biscuits and use a spoon to even it out so they are all covered.
Top with your pepperoni (or toppings of your choice)
Bake for about 20 minutes uncovered. Use a fork to check the middle of the casserole to make sure the biscuits are done. (If they are still a little gooey just add another 5 minutes and check again, keep doing this until they are done. The time really depends on your oven)
Remove from the oven and top with the cheese, place back in the oven for another 3 or 4 minutes to melt the cheese.
Let it stand about 5 minutes before serving.
I doubled mine and used a 13x9 pan. It was nearly overflowing so I think next time I will just use 2 8x8's. Took a little longer too because of the excess I think,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

This Just In...Jesus died for EVERYONE, not just you!

Recent events in my area have caused me to see some pretty negative behavior in people who I truly think are good people just misguided and caught up in the world's rhetoric and lies. Sadly, a young mentally disturbed man killed 2 people before he was killed by local law enforcement. He had taken 3 people hostage, released one woman but the other 2 were not to be so lucky. This was a horrible, horrible act of desperation from a deranged young soul. He also happened to be of Middle Eastern decent. This is were my issue begins.

The very next day after this tragic event the feeds started blowing up about this "evil Muslim", "Anti-American Rag Head", etc. Some of the things posted are just so bad I will not repeat them. These things were posted by "good Christian" people. Things like, "Kill all the Muslims", " I hope they string his family up!", " You just can't trust any of THEM!", " I hope they run those sand-n**ers out of town!", "Boycott ALL Indian business!", etc.

These people sit in their respective church pews every time the doors are open. They serve in leadership positions in their churches and in our communities. It is a nationwide problem. And they wonder why the world is turning away from Christianity. Really? Cause its pretty evident to me why.

Our "church" is full of bigots. There is no other word for it. Oh they try and act like they aren't and man do they get swole up when you tell them they are but its the cold hard truth. They say things like " I don't care what color they are" but then turn right around and immediately judge someone based solely on their ethnic makeup. "Oh those Muslims!" Guess what? I know lots of people from Pakistan, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries who are Christians. They can be killed in their home country for being a Christian and are willing to die for Christ. But the people I am talking about would never know that about them because they cannot get past their skin tone. And that makes them wrong.

Websters dictionary defines a bigot  a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. Sound familiar?

Christians seem to have forgotten or maybe they were never taught in their churches that Christ was not a fair skinned, white man. He was a curly headed, dark skinned, Jewish man who looked in real life alot like the Islamic people they are currently screaming about killing.

 Here's a question for you all, if the REAL Jesus, as he looked when he walked this Earth, walked up to you today, what would your 1st thought be? Your REAL 1st thought, not knowing this man was your Savior, what would you really think? Some of you think you know how you'd react but I know some of you would treat him just like that family from Yemen that was just forced out of our community. You'd treat him like he was a terrorist. Can you imagine how wrong you'd be then? Just as wrong as you are now.

In our country during WW2, MILLIONS of people of Asian descent, Japanese or otherwise were ripped from their homes, place in interment camps on our soil. Why? Because they LOOKED Japanese and they couldn't be trusted according to the government. Didn't matter if they were natural born American citizens or if they were really Chinese or Taiwanese, they LOOKED Japanese and couldn't be trusted, so they had to be locked up! This was wrong, we all know it and can agree it was wrong.

Hitler, during WW2, killed MILLIONS of Jewish people, all in the name of God. He killed them because of their ethnic make up. Hitler would have KILLED Jesus, people. He was wrong, we all know it and agree he was not acting on God's behalf in any shape, size, form or fashion.

I could list hundreds of examples of how wrong we have been in regards to this issue but I think you all know where I am going. You cannot be a Christian and be a bigot. The 2 just do not mix. It's like people just check God at the door when they start bashing people based on their religious or ethic backgrounds.

I hear people say things like "we have to defend our Christian way of life against these Islamic terrorist" and I guess they are right so if I am ever faced to face with a known terrorist, I will preach the word of God to Him and I will trust my God to handle the situation to His Glory, not mine.

Jesus was mocked, ridiculed and even crucified for preaching love and forgiveness. I guess by this thinking that so many "Christians" display lately, Jesus should have fought back and maybe verbally spared with people who didn't take to His message. He should have looked at the non-Jewish people and thought "ugh, those Gentiles, can't trust any of them". That's how I see people acting these days and it saddens me. I for one am so thankful Jesus turned the other cheek and loved everyone the same. He even loved the one who betrayed Him. Oh wait, that's you and me.

 If it offends you, then you clearly need to ask yourself why that is. Things cant offend you unless you disagree with them and well, there you go. Jesus was sent to be the Savior of this entire world. Not just the ones who think like you do and look like you do. EVERYONE.

And another thing, last time I checked, God was still in control of this world. He knows every event before it happens and the outcome as well. He is there. He has been there from the beginning of time and will be until the end of time. Where is your faith in Him?

Do you not think He has it under control? I have read the book people. God wins! Satan loses. So all this hollering about this mess y'all do is really just showing how little faith you have in God to handle this world. He knows what He is doing, of that I am certain!

Time will show that we are ALL sinners and need God forgiveness daily. ALL of us, the Muslims, the Jewish,the gay community, the whites, the drug addicts, the murders, the rapists and yes, even the "Christians."

We need to be thanking God that He sent His Son for everyone because otherwise, we'd all be damned to Hell.

Its time to let God handle this world and we need to focus on Him and showing this world His LOVE, not hate.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Cajun Chicken Lasagna

 I love lasagna and when I say I love lasagna, I mean I would probably marry it if it were possible. I love traditional lasagna with it yummy ricotta cheese and tomato sauce laden with meat. I love eggplant lasagna, spicy Indian lasagna, Alfredo lasagna, if you name it lasagna, I will very likely fall in love with it. This little recipe was no different. Prepare to love it!

Cajun Chicken Lasagna
2 large boneless skinless chicken breast, sliced thin
1 lb smoked sausage ( any kind you like), sliced in 1/2 length wise then into small pieces
1 medium onion, diced*
1 medium green bell pepper, diced*
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsps. Cajun seasoning
1 tsp. ground sage
2 jars Alfredo sauce
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 box oven ready lasagna noodles
Place the chicken and the sausage in a small amount of olive oil in a large skillet. Cook until chicken is no longer pink. Add onions, peppers, garlic, Cajun seasoning & sage to chicken. Cook until onions are tender.
Pour 1 jar of the Alfredo sauce into the skillet with the chicken mixture. Stir well and heat throughout.
Spray a 13x9 baking dish with non-stick spray. Place 4 uncooked lasagna noodles in the bottom.
Spoon 1/2 the meat mixture on top of the noodles. Place another layer of noodles then the rest of the meat, ending with noodles.
Pour the remaining jar of Alfredo sauce on top of the noodle and then cover with the cheese.
Cover dish with foil sprayed with non-stick spray and bake at 350 for 1 hour.
* you can always use frozen Season Blend veggies which are a mixture of onions, peppers and celery in place of the onions and peppers. Just thaw and drain it 1st, using about a cup and a 1/2 of the product.
Here's a pic of the meat mixture..YUMMY!!!
Here it is fresh out of the oven! I have to say, non-stick foil is my new favorite thing!

Eat your heart out y'all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello Summer Veggies!

Discovered this recipe on Pintrest and thought it was just what we needed to enjoy a new twist on our normal Summer veggies.
I made a few minor changes to suit my family and it turned out really well. 
What I like about this recipe is you can use any veggie you have, tomato, eggplant just whatever!
Try this one out next time you have some squash or zucchini laying around. You won't be disappointed!
Summer Veggie Bake
2 to 3 medium yellow summer squash, sliced thin
2 to 3 medium zucchini, sliced thin
2 to 3 medium russet potatoes, sliced thin
1 medium onion, diced
3 tbsp olive oil
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (any cheese really)
garlic powder (or fresh) to taste
Nature Seasoning (to taste)
Thyme (to taste)
Take a 13x9 baking dish and spray it with non-stick spray & set it aside.
In a skillet, cook the onions with the olive oil and the garlic, until just translucent.

Place in the bottom of the prepared baking dish.
While your onions are cooking, slice up your veggies like so:
Start layering the veggies in the pan on top of the onions by creating vertical rows like this:
Once you get all the veggies in, sprinkle with the thyme & the Nature Seasoning generously.
 (You can use salt & pepper, Cajun seasoning, whatever you like instead of the Nature Seasoning. Also, if you layer for a while and then flip your pan around, raise up the 1st layer, you can add more to the dish so it is nice and full!)
You will end up with a pan that looks like this when you are done:
At this point, you will cover the dish in foil and bake at 400 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes. It really depends on how full the pan is and how thinly your veggies are sliced as to how long you will need to bake it.
When the veggies are tender, remove the foil, sprinkle on the cheese and bake another 10 minutes or so until the cheese has just started to brown.
All that's left is to enjoy this yummy Summer goodness!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trashy Tots...Oh Yeah!!!

While watching The Chew one day, I discovered this little gem of a recipe and just knew The Herd had to try it!

I mean, its tater tots, cheese, bacon and brown sugar! That's basically 4 out of 5 food groups right there! (Just kidding, I do know what the actual food groups are!)

With Sarah's Sweet 16 coming we decided to try them out on her party guest and there was not a tater tot to be found at the end of the night so I'd say they were a winner!

We have made a few preparation modifications to the original recipe but the taste is the same

Without further delay, may I present the only appetizer you will ever need again :

Trashy Tater Tots
1/2 a bag of tater tots, thawed to room temp
1 8oz pkg cheddar cheese cubes, cut into 3rds
Hot sauce ( now we left this out but if you want a kick to them, add it!)
1 lb of thin sliced bacon, cut into 3rds. (Bacon stretches)
1/2 cup brown sugar
Heat your oven to 375. Line a cookie sheet with heat duty foil.
Cut a small slit in each tater tot and place a piece of the cut cheese (insert joke here) in the opening. Dash the hot sauce on the tot here if you want to add some spice. If not, wrap the tots in a piece of the bacon. Secure with a toothpick, then roll each tot in the brown sugar.
Place tots on your cookie sheet and bake about 15 to 20 minutes, flipping tots half way through baking.
Serve warm.
Here are Erin, Sarah and their friend Ryan making these beauties the day of Sarah's Sweet 16!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Stressed But Blessed!

A good many things have been on my mind lately. Okay, maybe lately is not the right word, more like constantly. Things are sure changing fast around here and my poor brain is in overdrive trying to keep up with it all.

Another one of the Herd is graduating this year, my 1st born of my 3 biological children will graduate in a short 2 months time. I remember clearly getting ready to have her and being so scared. I had no clue how to raise a child but I was sure having one! I think she has turned out alright, all things considered. I mean she broke a few bones and got a few bruises along the way but she is a smart, happy, beautiful young lady so I guess I figured it out! Here is my little girl, all grown up!

She has such a future ahead of her and I am so proud to be her Momma but I have to admit, its killing me the thought of her leaving home and venturing out into that big scary world. She has always been fearless and head strong, qualities I know will serve her well as she heads out into adulthood. She is going to be going pre-med and plans to be a flight medic/firefighter....yeah, that's not helping the worry factor any but I cannot deny her passion and I never would! Just have to pray really hard and try to trust God will watch over my Mac. He loves her even more than I do if you can believe that!
Hoss has been hired by LSU to be an instructor for their fire school program. I cannot tell you how excited he is about this and I am too! I am just so proud of all he has managed to accomplish all while working 2 jobs and helping raise a small army of kids with me. This new position could mean big things for him down the line but even if he never goes any higher, he is so in his element teaching firefighting to newbies! He LOVES to train people to be the best that they can be and he will be right at home with LSU doing that for sure!

We are still house hunting. We are so ready to have our own house again! Starting to think that it is just never going to happen and I get discouraged some days, The housing market here is just so insane! We looked at one house and it has no central heat/air, no washer/dryer hook ups, needed to be rewired and plumbed, hadn't been updated since it was built in the 1940's! Lets not even mention the cleaning up outside that needed to be done and they wanted $90K for it!!! I refuse to pay that for a house I will have to put that much into to make it livable! It's just crazy here, you have no idea. Things in our price range are rat holes or they are gone as soon as they are up for sale! Its been almost 4 years of looking and nothing.....until now.
We are trying to purchase a house but it is not a done deal yet! I am trying so hard not to get my hopes up but oh Lord, I want this house!!! I am so worried it is not going to come to be and then I worry I am worrying for nothing!! In case you haven't noticed, my designation in this family is Chief Worrier! We are just trying to trust that if this house is what God wants for us, it will happen. If not, something else will. It's so hard to be patient.
We have been dealing with a wayward child for awhile too. I am not going into detail there just know she was raised right, but chooses to ignore her raising these days and it is causing a lot of stress for her Dad and I. Nothing we can do about it because she is out of the house but pray and let her figure it out on her own. Man that sucks, do you hear me?? It sucks! Please say a prayer for parents everywhere with wayward children, and pray for that child too. They need the help!
Today I ordered a book marker with my sweet Grandmother's obituary on it. It's kind of a thing in my family to have these little cardstock mementoes, if you will, of our loved ones. I never got one after her funeral in October. Not sure if my mother didn't order any or if she just failed to give me one, either way today I order one for myself and one for each of my children. I wanted one and well, I don't need my mother to get it for me. I miss my Grandmother everyday and I cry a lot in private because I just have days where the grief is too much. She was my rock and I miss her terribly.
Still very much struggling with the drama that is my mother, some things I think will just always be the way they are. I cannot make her love me and be a real mother and I have grown so tired of chasing her love and I am done. I deserve better. She doesn't know the person she is missing out on and I hate that for her. I don't hate it for me because I have been blessed with so many other mothers in my life and I know what a mother's love is thanks to those women! I know someday she will need me when her world crumbles and time will show her. Pray for her, she needs it.
While all this is weighing on me, both good and bad things surrounding us, I know in my heart that I am stressed but so blessed as well! Things can always be worse and I try do hard to be thankful for the wonderful things I have been given. God is with us and He loves us so much. He has blessed this family beyond measure!! We praise Him in the sunshine and the rain!!
Have a good weekend everyone! Know we love you all and life is good!
Love From Louisiana,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baked Sweet & Sour Chicken

I found this recipe awhile back and my family really loved it. I decided to make it again last night and about half way through the process, I thought I should share this!

One thing about this recipe. It can take awhile to get all the chicken ready, or at least it does me. I realize most people do not cook for a small army like I do but just wanted to warn you. This is not a hard recipe at all just can be time consuming if you are trying to make a lot at one time. I actually made enough of the chicken to freeze it already fried for the next time we want this so as to speed the process up a bit. You could even make the sauce up ahead of time a freeze it if you wanted.

This chicken is great for just about any kind of chicken dish. You can use it for sesame chicken, General Tso, even orange chicken. Its just a good basic chicken to keep on hand.

Hope y'all enjoy this as much as we did!

Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken


3 to 4 boneless skinless chicken breast
salt & pepper to taste
1 cup cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
canola oil


1 cup granulated sugar
5 Tbsp ketchup
2/3 cup white vinegar
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp garlic powder

Rinse your chicken breast in cold water and place on a cutting board. Sprinkle them with the salt and pepper, cut into small pieces and set aside in a bowl.  Pour the cornstarch into a small bowl and the beaten eggs into another small bowl.

                                                 Told you I was half way through when I decided to blog this!
                                                                        Note the mess in the bowls! lol

In a large skillet, heat up about 1/4 inch of canola oil. Dip your chicken in the cornstarch 1st, then in the egg and place in the hot oil. Brown your chicken pieces on both sides and remove with a slotted spoon to a greased 9x13 pan, like so:

Once you get all your chicken browned, its time to make the sauce! In a small bowl, mix all the sauce ingredients together and make sure it is mixed well.  Pour the sauce over the chicken and stir it all around!

Now you will bake the chicken at 325 for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes to coat the chicken evenly as it bakes.  It will look like this when its done:

Yummy, Yummy!!
Try this one out, I promise you will not be disappointed!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wonder if God tells people to "Have A Six Flags Day?"

  A roller coaster. Yeah, that's what we'll call it, a roller coaster. My life is a roller coaster. I am not the biggest fan of the roller coaster to be honest but I have a few I like so maybe they aren't all bad. One curve after another followed by an upside down loop or two, some steep hills and low valleys pretty much sums up these last few months for me. Not sure the ride is over just yet either.

   We just keep putting our hands up for the ride attendant to check our safety harness as we go one more round on the coaster! All we can do I guess, make sure we are locked in and secure before we take off.

   I the last few months I have had some health issues, buried the one consistent person in my life, my Grandmother, had major family issues, major house issues and just generally had a crappy go of things. We are still standing, I am not sure some days how but the fact remains we are.  Just haven't had the heart to blog anything lately.

   I think God is kind of like our ride attendant. He never promises us an easy walk through the amusement park of life but He is the one who is there making sure we are secure in our seats! He is there at the beginning of the ride and at the end as well. He is also watching out for us all along the ride ready to come to our aid if we call out to Him. I hate to think how bad that ride would have been without Him.

  Maybe I am a little loopy making this comparison or maybe I just need a day at Six Flags, who knows? I just know its been crazy lately but it could have been so much worse and I thank God for getting us through the rough spots!

  Have a great day everyone and hopefully I will be cranking out some useful blogs again soon! 

Love You All,
