Saturday, December 11, 2010

This Will Be Our Best Christmas Ever

This has been one of the worst years on record for our little (yeah I said little! LOL!) family, BUT it could have been so much worse than it was.

 It has been a year of major financial hardships. Who ever said money isn't important has obviously never had to sacrifice to buy shoes or milk for their kids! We recognize that God is in total control of our lives and He will always see us through whatever trouble comes our way, whether its how are we going to pay yet another $350.00 light bill or how are we going to afford the car repairs? We have nearly lost our collective shirts this year but every time we think we have reached as far down as we can go, God has made a way for us. He is so faithful that way! He has indeed been good to the Anders Herd this year, well every year to tell the truth!

It has been a year of major personal heartaches for us as well. We have had to say good-bye to dear friends who seemed too young to go. We have said good bye to loved ones who, while we know they were ready to meet their Savior, we weren't ready to let them go. We have endured the loss of relationships with people we tried so hard to love but because they lack Christ in their lives, cannot see the damage they have done and have chosen to live in ways we cannot be apart of.  We have held our children as they cried over the actions of others, tried to sooth their wounded hearts and remind them to pray for those that hurt them. We have leaned on each other because we know if one of us tires in the daily struggles, the others can hold them up. And through it all God has blessed our family time and time again.

We hope that we are raising our children to have servants hearts and that they know the real meaning of Christmas isn't presents you get because you are "good". We want them to always hold Christ in their hearts, so that they can share God's gift to the world with others. Christ is the best present you can ever give your child. Nothing else could ever compare with His love and sacrifice.

While part of me as a mother is sad that Christmas morning my kids will open a few small gifts, I have this strange peace that tells me this will be the Christmas the kids will remember as the best. You see, this year our entire family will celebrate as Christians! What more can a parent give their child than to lead them to a personal relationship with Christ? I am just so filled with love when I think that all my children are now Christians and truly love the Lord! I am so looking forward to spending the day with my husband and children.

We have so much to be thankful for this Christmas! We may not have designer sheets on our queen size bed, but we have a roof over our head and gas in the tank of the cars! We have more than enough food to eat and some to share! We have a church that cares about us and family that loves us.

We have a God who sent His ONLY Son to die in our place on that Cross....what more does anyone person REALLY need?

Merry Christmas Everyone, We love you!

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