Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thankful Messes

I know we've all probably seen the viral post of the Mom who taped off her newly cleaned living room until Thanksgiving. She worked hard, got it all just how she wanted it, and this was her attempt to prevent her family from undoing all that hard work. Though the post was funny and while every mom can relate, because we have all been there, this mom totally missed the mark in her quest for the perfect Thanksgiving.

Today, as I cleaned my house, I spread an Autumn themed table cloth out across my husband's Grandmother's table and set our ceramic pumpkin with the big "A" in the center and stepped back. 

I thought of all the meals that have been eaten seated around this table, not just ours but the generations before us as well. I thought of the holidays of years past where the houses were filled to the roof with laughter and love.  I thought of how hard we moms and dads work to make things "perfect" and how I can honestly say I don't recall any of that work. 

I don't recall exactly how many hours I have spent cleaning my house in preparation for events, I know I have spent that time but there is no tally. I don't recall how much money I have spent making sure everything was just beautiful and picture perfect. Lord knows what that price tag is. 

Do you know what I recall? What came to me in a flood of happy memories as I spread that spotless table cloth out? I recall my children's laughter. I can see them at 3, at 7, at 12, and every age in between running like crazy people, tracking mud and legos all over my floors. I hear their giggles at corny jokes only little kids find hilarious, while liquid of some sort spews from them. I remember my Grandmother sneaking my kids sweets when she thought I wasn't looking. 

I thank God for every stain on the carpet, every smudge on the glass cabinet doors, every broken plate. I remember those moments now that our house is mostly silent.

Moms, as hard as it is, take down the off limits sign on the living room. Enjoy the spilled juice and the chaos. Table cloths are washable, carpet is cleanable, dishes are replaceable. Kids grow, life changes fast and before you know it, you'd give anything for one more chance to find hidden animal crackers in your couch. 

Be thankful this year for your mess makers, they are so much more of a blessing than you realize. 

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