Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Morning

When I was working, the words Friday morning were like music to my ears! It meant the end of a long work week and the beginning of 2 days of nothing to do but be with my family. Oh how I love Friday mornings.

Now that I am a stay at home mom full time again, the weekend seems to have lost its awesomeness somehow. Maybe it's because I am here all week with the kids by myself and never even SEE another adult unless I go to Redneck Mecca ( Walmart). Maybe it's because I know we only have 2 days (sometime 1 1/2 days when Wes works Saturday mornings) to get everything we need to get accomplished done. The weekends never seem long enough.

Wes wants to do nothing over the weekend because he has spent a week doing things for others, I however want to get everything done and get it over with because there are somethings I truly need his help with. I feel guilty on one hand asking him to work on his "honey-do" list when I know he's tired but one the other I get so tired of waiting "until next weekend" (which never comes by the way) because I know the stuff needs to be handled now.

Everyone says, "oh you have kids to help" but anyone with kids knows sometimes it is easier to get things done without their help. Some times you just need another grownup!

Wouldn't it be so great if we could all have a personally assistant to do all the stuff we never get around to?  I mean think about more clogged sinks, no more over grown yards, no more sheds to clean out! I think I am on to something here! Oh course you'd have to have money to hire an assistant, so that kinda blows it out of the water for me!

We are all guilty of putting things off because we just don't want to do it. And that is the real reason, nothing else. It took me 6 months to finally sort through my boxes of sewing notions but I finally did it. Found 3 more boxes in the shed yesterday that I missed! It's hard to be too mad at others for things we do isn't it? Actually I think the opposite is true.

A lot of people put off their relationship with God the same way. Sure they think about it but then there are a million and one reasons why they never "get around to" knowing God and His Son, Jesus. You know if you think about it, Jesus is our personal assistant...He handled the most important problem inour lives! He died for our sins so we could live! Talk about the ultimate helping hand! Can't think of a more important thing to get tended to than your soul, can you?

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