Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bicycle! Bicycle! I Want To Ride My Bicycle!

 Got a new bike today. Man is it pretty! It is pink and reminds me so much of my 1st big bike! They are built the same the only real difference is color.
 I remember being a kid and getting so excited over a new bike. Mind you this the 1st actual NEW bike I have ever owned! All my other bikes, all 3 of them, were hand-me-downs from my sister, but that was ok because my Grandfather always sanded them down and repainted the old one to make it special just for me! (My Grandpa was the best at stuff like that. I really miss him!)
 Today, I got just as excited over my new pink bike as I did over the ones from my childhood. I have been wanting a bike for a good while now. I need to get myself back in shape and I really enjoyed riding as a kid. If I was outside, I was on my bike! Lots of hours spent pedaling away was not only good for me physically but mentally as well.
 You know, I never thought I was poor with my rebuilt bikes from my Grandpa. I always considered my self lucky that I had someone in my life who cared enough about me to do something special just for me! And people that cared were a scarce thing when I was growing up. I didn't have a great childhood but having a bike to get me away, even for a little while, was the best.
  Here is a picture of my new pretty pink best friend! If you see a crazy woman on a pink bike, be sure and wave because it's probably me!!

1 comment:

  1. I have a rickety old ten speed given to me when I was in seminary. It works fine and I love it. I got Susanne a really nice one from Goodwill that rides like a dream. I like hers more than mine. I think it's the seat on hers. It's comfortable. I love riding. Maybe I'll see you out and about sometime. I actually need to walk rather than ride, but I will ride too. Hey, don't run over me if you see me. ha ha
