Friday, August 6, 2010

Marching Bands, New Babies & Forgiveness..not neccesarily in that order!

Today I came to a realization about someone in our family that has hurt us deeply. The realization was that I have to forgive her. Her actions were horrible and hurtful beyond words but if God can forgive her who am I to not do the same?  She needs to know that inspite of her ways, we do love her.  I am not sure if Wes has gotten to the same point as I have about this but in time I know he will. (She really hurt him, I mean REALLY hurt him.)

As a result of this one person's actions our family has been split for over a year and I just learned we have a new baby in the family on that side. (Sweet babies, they remind us that all of us start out innocent and without malace in our hearts, just babies wanting to grow up!)  We would have welcomed this baby just like we have welcomed all the others had we known of her arrival and it breaks my heart to know that one person has made this not be possible.

So, I have been thinking and praying about this and I have realized that I need to forgive the child's grandmother and let it all go because holding on to the hurt is just, well, it's painful! I used to think that she was not worth my worry but the truth is she IS worth my worry because she is in need of the Lord working in her heart as well.  We all need that.

The good Lord knows we have always done right by our family and always will. This even means that we need to forgive those who have hurt us.  Forgiveness really isn't for the other person, it is for you.  Carrying harsh feelings will eat you alive and make you a bitter angry person and I refuse to be that person. I know God wants better for me that that.

So I have chosen, because forgiveness is a choice, to forgive her and pray that her life & the life of her children and grandchildren becomes all it can be and that it glorify God. 

You know, I feel better just typing this! God works in ways we can't even imagine doesn't he?

Well, I am off to get ready to go feed 40 (give or take a few) kids in the Franklin Parish High School Marching Band! I love these kids they are so dear to me! Gonna be a fun afternoon! I will be posting pics of Facebook later!

Have a blessed day and if you haven't already done so, give others the forgiveness you have been denying them as well as yourself. You will be amazed how much better you feel and how happy it will make you to know that you have done the right thing!

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