Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giving It All Away!

Over the last 2 weeks, the kids and I have been going through our things. With 7 people in this house you can imagine the clutter that can be accumulated in a short time! We have cleaned out a shed, gone through closets and dressers and even old toys that have long been forgotten.

We wanted to yard sale but every time we have tried, something has happened to prevent it. The more I have gone through this, I have felt that we needed to just let it all go. No sale, just give it away. So after much back and forth, we are giving it all away!

God has provided every need we have ever had exactly when we have needed it.  There is someone out there is in need of our extras and the Lord knows just who that person is. He has provided for us and now He will use us to provide for someone else. Kind of neat how He works, I think!

It is always easy to say well, we could use the money from the sale of all this stuff. What's harder is realizing that sometimes your biggest blessings come from what you let go of rather than what you gain. Money isn't everything now is it?

I guess it's like the saying I have always told my kids.."Love isn't love until you give it away."  Giving is love, love for others, love for God, even love for yourself.

If everyone gave a little of themselves to just one person, think of how much better this world would be.  Jesus gave everything He had for all of us. He died for every "one person" in this world. Sacrificing a some yard sale cash to help others is NOTHING compared to the sacrifice that Jesus made for you and me. Think about it...............

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