Wednesday, August 28, 2013

This Just In...Jesus died for EVERYONE, not just you!

Recent events in my area have caused me to see some pretty negative behavior in people who I truly think are good people just misguided and caught up in the world's rhetoric and lies. Sadly, a young mentally disturbed man killed 2 people before he was killed by local law enforcement. He had taken 3 people hostage, released one woman but the other 2 were not to be so lucky. This was a horrible, horrible act of desperation from a deranged young soul. He also happened to be of Middle Eastern decent. This is were my issue begins.

The very next day after this tragic event the feeds started blowing up about this "evil Muslim", "Anti-American Rag Head", etc. Some of the things posted are just so bad I will not repeat them. These things were posted by "good Christian" people. Things like, "Kill all the Muslims", " I hope they string his family up!", " You just can't trust any of THEM!", " I hope they run those sand-n**ers out of town!", "Boycott ALL Indian business!", etc.

These people sit in their respective church pews every time the doors are open. They serve in leadership positions in their churches and in our communities. It is a nationwide problem. And they wonder why the world is turning away from Christianity. Really? Cause its pretty evident to me why.

Our "church" is full of bigots. There is no other word for it. Oh they try and act like they aren't and man do they get swole up when you tell them they are but its the cold hard truth. They say things like " I don't care what color they are" but then turn right around and immediately judge someone based solely on their ethnic makeup. "Oh those Muslims!" Guess what? I know lots of people from Pakistan, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries who are Christians. They can be killed in their home country for being a Christian and are willing to die for Christ. But the people I am talking about would never know that about them because they cannot get past their skin tone. And that makes them wrong.

Websters dictionary defines a bigot  a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. Sound familiar?

Christians seem to have forgotten or maybe they were never taught in their churches that Christ was not a fair skinned, white man. He was a curly headed, dark skinned, Jewish man who looked in real life alot like the Islamic people they are currently screaming about killing.

 Here's a question for you all, if the REAL Jesus, as he looked when he walked this Earth, walked up to you today, what would your 1st thought be? Your REAL 1st thought, not knowing this man was your Savior, what would you really think? Some of you think you know how you'd react but I know some of you would treat him just like that family from Yemen that was just forced out of our community. You'd treat him like he was a terrorist. Can you imagine how wrong you'd be then? Just as wrong as you are now.

In our country during WW2, MILLIONS of people of Asian descent, Japanese or otherwise were ripped from their homes, place in interment camps on our soil. Why? Because they LOOKED Japanese and they couldn't be trusted according to the government. Didn't matter if they were natural born American citizens or if they were really Chinese or Taiwanese, they LOOKED Japanese and couldn't be trusted, so they had to be locked up! This was wrong, we all know it and can agree it was wrong.

Hitler, during WW2, killed MILLIONS of Jewish people, all in the name of God. He killed them because of their ethnic make up. Hitler would have KILLED Jesus, people. He was wrong, we all know it and agree he was not acting on God's behalf in any shape, size, form or fashion.

I could list hundreds of examples of how wrong we have been in regards to this issue but I think you all know where I am going. You cannot be a Christian and be a bigot. The 2 just do not mix. It's like people just check God at the door when they start bashing people based on their religious or ethic backgrounds.

I hear people say things like "we have to defend our Christian way of life against these Islamic terrorist" and I guess they are right so if I am ever faced to face with a known terrorist, I will preach the word of God to Him and I will trust my God to handle the situation to His Glory, not mine.

Jesus was mocked, ridiculed and even crucified for preaching love and forgiveness. I guess by this thinking that so many "Christians" display lately, Jesus should have fought back and maybe verbally spared with people who didn't take to His message. He should have looked at the non-Jewish people and thought "ugh, those Gentiles, can't trust any of them". That's how I see people acting these days and it saddens me. I for one am so thankful Jesus turned the other cheek and loved everyone the same. He even loved the one who betrayed Him. Oh wait, that's you and me.

 If it offends you, then you clearly need to ask yourself why that is. Things cant offend you unless you disagree with them and well, there you go. Jesus was sent to be the Savior of this entire world. Not just the ones who think like you do and look like you do. EVERYONE.

And another thing, last time I checked, God was still in control of this world. He knows every event before it happens and the outcome as well. He is there. He has been there from the beginning of time and will be until the end of time. Where is your faith in Him?

Do you not think He has it under control? I have read the book people. God wins! Satan loses. So all this hollering about this mess y'all do is really just showing how little faith you have in God to handle this world. He knows what He is doing, of that I am certain!

Time will show that we are ALL sinners and need God forgiveness daily. ALL of us, the Muslims, the Jewish,the gay community, the whites, the drug addicts, the murders, the rapists and yes, even the "Christians."

We need to be thanking God that He sent His Son for everyone because otherwise, we'd all be damned to Hell.

Its time to let God handle this world and we need to focus on Him and showing this world His LOVE, not hate.


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